(604) 533-2600
(604) 533-2600

Committee Meetings

The District 43 Committees generally meet on a fixed monthly schedule:

  • Grapevine Committee meets on the forth Friday of the month
    Contact: grapevine@district43aa.org for location
  • Public Information/Co-operation with the Professional Community Committee meets on the third Monday of each month at 7:00 pm.
    Contact picpc@district43aa.org
  • Gratitude Day Planning Committee is active from September to February and meets as required.
    Contact: graditudeday@district43aa.org
  • Remote Communities Meeting (As Bill Sees It) meets every Thursday at 7:00 pm.
    Contact: rcm@district43aa.org
    Zoom ID: 498814817 Passcode: 660387
  • Treatment and Accessibilities Committee meets on the fourth Thursday of the month at Langley Intergroup office from 7:00pm – 8:00 pm.
    Contact treatmentandaccessibilities@district43aa.org for more information.

The Events Calendar in the District 43 Newsletter contain monthly information on committee meetings.